Olivia Bahoora Asfar -
You should be open-minded before going on these dates. Your match isn’t going to be perfect and neither are you. It’s good to have standards, but you may need to change your expectations a little, especially if you have too many unrealistic ones.
How to prepare before the date:
You should dress to impress and look your best! You have one chance to make a good first impression. Each of you should be on top of your game. Look clean and presentable. Show that you took time to get ready for your date.
You should leave early to allow extra time for unexpected traffic or weather conditions. If you are meeting in a downtown area please allow extra time to park and walk to the destination. If you are running late, please let the matchmaker know. Showing up late without notice could tarnish your date’s first impression of you.
Think of some fun open-ended questions in case conversation isn’t flowing well. It is totally natural for one or both parties to be nervous on the first date. Be prepared. Think of questions that don’t sound too personal or boring.
During the date:
Again, you want to leave a good impression. Be on time. When you get there, smile and introduce yourself. Put away your cell phone. Be an active listener and show interest in what the other person is saying. Don't worry about feeling nervous. Do your best to be yourself. Share your interests and things you like to do. A good way to keep the conversation going is by asking follow up questions.
Have fun and be positive. Keep it short and sweet without oversharing too much. First dates should be light and fun. Smile, laugh and show interest. Make good eye contact. If you are not interested for some reason, have an open mind and heart. Give it a shot and see what happens. The date should last at least an hour.
You should impress the person with your manners and kindness. Although we women may love our independence, anyone would appreciate a man who is a gentleman. Chivalry is not dead! So, guys, hold open the door and pay for your date. Ladies, let the guy be a gentleman and show your appreciation.
Do not ask for your match’s number or last name. This information remains confidential. The matchmaker will share this info after this first date if you both agree to move forward.
After the date:
If you are debating whether to go on a second date or not, consider the three-date rule: go on at least three dates with the match before ruling him or her out for good. Talk to the matchmaker about it if you need some guidance.
You should think of some pros and cons (if any) and let the matchmaker know. Honesty is important. If you are not interested in your match, it is important to share the reasons why so the matchmaker knows what matters to you for the next date.
If you both say yes, the man should contact the lady within 24 hours of receiving her number. Don’t always text. If things are going well and you like talking to her, let things progress naturally. Ladies, you don’t always have to wait for him to initiate the conversation. Gauge the situation. If he puts in effort consistently and regularly, don’t be afraid to reciprocate and show your interest in him. Men, do not wait too long to ask her out again. For both of you, playing mind games or playing hard to get won’t lead to a mature, lasting relationship.
After dating and talking, if you become uninterested please do not ghost your match. Don’t be disrespectful, tell them how you feel and let the matchmaker know to add you back on. If it’s reported that someone has ghosted multiple times, it may result in losing your membership.
Disclaimer: Do not ask how long your match has been on MATCHaldean or how many dates they have been on. Do not discuss any past dates due to confidentiality. This may result in losing your membership